Monday, January 12, 2009

What would you say....

Here's another update from Oak Hill.

Today, I received a phone call from my mother.  She started the conversation by saying "What would you say if I told you that I walked 60 feet today?"  Needless to say, I was excited and my response was "WOO HOO!"

I had talked to her earlier in the day to find that her day was not starting out so well.  She was recently moved into a new room in a different wing of the nursing home.  Adapting to the new nursing staff was not as smooth as it should have been, therefore she was a bit frustrated.  I don't blame her -- I would have been a little short-fused had someone switched on my light at 5:30 AM to ask me if I had to go to the bathroom!  Safe to say, they won't be doing that anymore (and live to tell about it)!  

The day for Mom got better when in her physical therapy afternoon session, she was assisted to her feet and proceeded to walk 60 feet -- with a walker!  Outstanding progress for someone just 5 weeks ago could barely stand for 30 seconds!  

Yeah - 2009 is gonna be a better year for her!

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